Our Services

Math Tutoring

  • Basic Math: Starting from 3rd grade, students develop a thorough understanding of the 4 basic math operations & how to associate them with solving word problems.
  • Pre-Algebra: Students learn to solve equations and word problems with variables, positive, and negative numbers.
  • Algebra I: Students develop proficiency in graphing and evaluating linear and polynomial expressions and, solving word problems.
  • Algebra II: Students develop a more in-depth understanding of graphing and evaluating polynomial expressions and solving word problems.
  • College Algebra: Usually a combination of Algebra I & II. Student textbook recommended.
  • Geometry: Students learn to solve problems where various lines and planes intersect to form angles, leading to the development of theorems & proofs for congruent triangles.
  • Trigonometry: Similar to Algebra II & Pre-Calculus
  • Pre-Calculus: Students use graphing & computational skills developed in Algebra II to prepare for for Calculus.
  • Calculus: Help students to understand limits, derivatives, integrals, and solutions to solving polynomial expressions and word problems.
  • Recommend students bring current Math and Science textbook(s)

Science Tutoring

  • Basic Science:   Our goal is to help students improve and excel in speed and accuracy in developing a deeper understanding in various science subjects from grades 3- 12.
  • General Chemistry I & II: Introductory university level intended to serve as a broad introduction to a variety of concepts in chemistry. Topics included but not limited to stoichiometry, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, physical chemistry, and electrochemistry.
  • Organic Chemistry I & II: Acquiring skills in the study of hydrocarbons
  • Physics: Basic concepts in Physics
  • Sampled textbooks & SAT manual used

Reading/ Writing

  • Reading:To help students improve in speed and excel in all areas of English, we offer reading for grades 3-12. Students learn critical thinking skills, reading comprehension, vocabulary, college prep, SAT, ACT, and STAAR reading practices.
  • Writing:  Basic writing for grades 3-12. Students improve writing skills, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Students receive essay writing prep and preparation for prep exams like SAT, ACT, and STAAR tests.